Monday, September 16, 2013

Social Networking: Friend or Foe?

I'm curious on to your initial thoughts on if and how social media should be incorporated into our educational processes.  Keep in mind that since you are reading this blog, you are currently engaged in a social media platform--blogging is a form of social media. Or when you go to YouTube to upload a video in to a Prezi, you are also combining social media with education.

But what about social networking--platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others--should teachers, physical activity leaders, and coaches use these tools as well to connect with students, athletes, parents, clients, and community members? Or is it too dangerous and do the risks outweigh the benefits?

Check out some basic Twitter info here.

And here's some stats on Facebook:

Please comment and share your thoughts on what you know, what you've seen, and what you've heard about social networking in general, social networking in education, and if this is something you could see as beneficial for PE & PA professionals to use.  Be sure to indicate your name in your commenting profile.


  1. I know social media is widely used all over the world. It has become the hottest thing on the market the last few years. Ive seen it used in good and bad ways. I do think it is benefical to PE and PA professionals. Its best to stay up to speed with technology and how the world communicates with one another.

  2. I think it would be beneficial and should be used to connect with students. But more so in a class page way, not a personal one on one basis.

  3. Social Media is very beneficial from a coach’s point of view. It is one of the fastest ways for me to connect to my athletes. Most of their parents use social media as well. By having a facebook page or twitter the athletes and parents as well as fans/ supporters have direct access to pictures, up dates, quotes etc. Many people check their social media more frequently then their email so by having access to social media it can be used as a form of communication.

  4. That's my Comment above I don't know why its not showing my name

    Meghan Polce

  5. Technology can and should be used in the PE profession. While it seems slightly counter intuitive to encourage technology in PE it can be a great resource for a teacher to keep students updated. Many students already use technology anyway, so we might as well join them and take advantage of the opportunity to influence them.

    1. Yeah I agree, many students are already using social media...why not use it to our advantages.

  6. I love social media. Some poeple are obsessed, but I believe it is great for physical education. Almost every student from middle school to college is on FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc...It is another great way to advocate in a fun way that will get their attention. Instead of being negative like most of my high school teachers were, might as well use the networks to your advantage =)

  7. I find social media to be a very helpful tool in finding and sharing information. Social media is a great way to express yourself, and provide information to people with similar interests. I think in some way or another all social media platforms could be used in education. Social media can be useful for anything from assignments, updates, or resource sharing. This is a growing trend and one that I feel will benefit educators in a big way.

  8. I am a light user of social media now but after reading the material I do see I need to be more involved with it. The information base is incredibly large and allows quick access to specific information from many sources. I believe it is important to support and assist the students with the new technologies. I think using social media educationally makes you current and provides a good example of how to best use the different types of media to your advantage.

  9. I think that social media can be used as a great tool for coaches, and PE/PA professionals. As a coach using social networks is a good way to stay connected with my players and relay messages to the team and post good things about my team so that others can recognize the positive things they are doing. Technology is a big part of society that isn't going away, if used correctly it is a positive tool to reach out to those who may not know about PE and help them get a better understanding and help them become more active
